I don't have specific plans to set up 19x19 but the server can handle
any board size.  The 9x9 server exists because Dave Dyer gave me space
on boardspace.net.

I'm actually working on an enhanced server - when It's ready I will put
the word out on the group and perhaps I can get someone to host it for
19x19.    Maybe Dave would be even be willing to host both.  

I have to say I'm extremely surprised at the success of the server.  I
think it just happened to be one of those things that filled a niche - a
place just for computers to get rated at 9x9.

- Don

On Mon, 2006-12-11 at 19:53 -0800, David Fotland wrote:
> Hi Don,
> Clearly UCT and monte carlo is very well suited to 9x9 go.  It works much
> better than the traditional computer go algorithms, and it is much, much
> simpler.
> Do you have any plans to set up a CGOS server for 19x19 go?  I'd like to see
> how well UCT/MC scales to 19x19 go.  I don't think it will work well at
> 19x19, but I'd like to see some experiments to see if I'm wrong.
> David
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