Would you like to share some experiences on tunning up
Java code ?

Yesterday I left my machine profilling the code.
(takes ages with TPTP).

I didn't research too much the results, but as far I
could see, creating objects is almost FORBIDDEN.

The "clone" method on game class which is used for
create a copy of game object for every simulation is
the function that is taking the most of the time.
(implies a couple of inner clones...)

Also, a "getNear" method that returns a list of near
points (considering borders) is the second most
expensive. (even, being optimised ... The problem is
that is creating a new array of size 1|2|3|4 elements
for returning the result).

About game class, I think that I will change to simple
floodfill insteads of maintaining a list of liberties
and chains. Clonning that list is expensive.

--- Peter Drake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> A note: we're working on converting Orego back from
> C++ to Java, and  
> we're getting 5,000 (totally random at this point)
> simulated games  
> per second. We'll probably continue in this
> direction.
> Peter Drake
> Assistant Professor of Computer Science
> Lewis & Clark College
> http://www.lclark.edu/~drake/
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