As a reminder, I too have a 1973 C&C 35 Mark II for sale with upgraded Yanmar 
30GM30F with 27 HP; 353 hours.  Boat and sails in good condition but could use 
repaint.  Special pricing for purchase before year’s end ahead of slip renewal. 
 Southern Maryland.  Retiring from sailing. Contact me if interested.  Thanks,  
Ron Scott, Rapid Transit 
Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 11, 2024, at 6:16 AM, Dave S via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> My 33-2 had a martec when I first got it - it was badly worn and not 
> terribly effective in reverse.  I replaced it with a 2 blade gori which 
> performed well.   Same engine as yours.    The boat would easily run at 2800 
> rpm all day at speeds exceeding 6kt.    I wouldn’t hesitate to change the 
> prop.  Make sure you understand any mods to the shaft/nut which may be 
> required.  
> Dave ex 33-2 Windstar.  
> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 10, 2024, at 8:40 PM, ejwills1993--- via CnC-List 
>>> <> wrote:
>> Hey all -
>> I have a 30 Mk II with the original Yanmar 2GM20F and factory Martec 15D x 
>> 11P x 1 2-blade brass prop. About 850 hrs on the engine, seems in great 
>> shape.
>> Issue: I can only motor at 2200 RPM before the engine/stern begins to 
>> vibrate. This puts me at a max cruising speed of 5 kts.
>> From the survey, one of the prop tips measures about 1/8 inch farther AFT 
>> (axially) when at 12 o’clock position versus when the other tip is rotated 
>> to the same 12 o’clock position. The prop blades are not chopped/scraped and 
>> the prop appears to be otherwise symmetrical in all other dimensions.
>> The engine does not vibrate when revved to 2800-3000 rpm in neutral.
>> The shaft does not wobble, and there is no leakage from the shaft packing.
>> Q: What cruising speed should I expect from this boat and the Little Yanmar? 
>> I think the spec in the Yanmar manual says cruising rpm should be 2700-2800 
>> rpm without breaking a sweat. I’m not expecting to motor at 8-9 knots like a 
>> big sailboat but I do expect to be closer to the 30-footer hull speed of 
>> around 6.7 kts.
>> I’m trying to figure out if this is a valid excuse to get a folding prop :)
>> Thanks!
>> -Eddie W.
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