Have stayed out of this A4 thread for a variety of reasons, however based on plenty of work over many years with carbureted engines I second Bruce's emphasis on making sure that the fuel supply and carb are verified as a priority, before proceeding to other more complex causes. (steps 1-4) In my own experience this is where the trouble usually lies in engines that are not in regular use. Will also second the carb overhaul recommendation.. Carb rebuild kids are usually cheap, the job is pretty straightforward, and gaining confidence in and and familiarity with the fuel system is well worthwhile.
Dave 33-2 On Tue, 13 Apr 2021 at 08:44, Bruce Whitmore via CnC-List < cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: > Hi Lee, having had an Atomic 4 for 15 years, I can say the 2nd video > sounds largely normal once you got it starte. So, it seems yo tell me > compression is OK. The first one sounds a little rough, like a fuel > issue. That could happen if the engine was run all the way out of fuel ans > you had limited filtration of the gas. At any rate, out of an abundance of > caution, I would do the following: > > 1. Get a compression gauge and check for even readings across all > cylinders. > 2. Clean the fuel strainer bowl. > 3. Overhaul/clean the carb. You probably won't even need gaskets, and > they're simple to do. Just be sure that you take photos as you take it > apart and count the number of turns as you remove the adjustable jet(s). > Tighten the counting the turns, and when you put them back in, go to tight > and back out the same number of turns. > 4. If you don’t have one, put in a fuel filter/water separator. It > doesn't need to be a racor, one with a spin on filter (about $25) is fine. > 5. Convert to electronic ignition. Moyer has a kit, but the same model > is available elsewhere. Replace the cap and rotor while you're in there, > as well as the plugs, which are Champion RJ12Cs. The cap, rotor and plugs > are available at auto parts stores once you look up the Delco numbers. > 6. Replace the raw water impeller. If the engine sounds weird to you, it > may be the engine isn't pumping water through it like it used to. That is > a wear item and should be replaced every 2 years anyway. > 7. Add StaBil and SeaFoam to your fuel. A dose of Marvel Mystery oil > doesn't hurt either. > 8. Carry a spare coil. Once you go to electronic ignition, you'll > probably never need it, but it is a potential point of failure. > > They're very dependable engines once you know what makes them tick (or > not). > > Bruce Whitmore > 1994 C&C 37/40+ > "Astralis" > Madeira Beach, FL > (847) 404-5092 > > > Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with > the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use > PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks > - Stu
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the costs involved. If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to send contribution -- https://www.paypal.me/stumurray Thanks - Stu