This discussion reinforces my racing program, a J-24 to race and my C&C 36
to cruise. Sails on the 24 are so much cheaper, and the used market from the
top racers supports the rest of us. I bought a set of North Racing sails
used two days at the 2019 nationals last summer. Purchase price 3k for a
spin, main and black Twaron/Technora class 150.. 

I race with four people tops, two that I bred and are still on the college
payroll and one friend. Less people=less beer and food to buy! We have just
as much fun and have the biggest class of 8-10 boats out of 50 or so on Wed
nights. We used to have a 1989 C&C 37XL and raced that with 8 to ten, very
expensive. All this being said the 36 has two Doyle jibs, a 150 and a 135. I
love the 135! 

John McCrea

Cluster Duck, J 24
Talisman, 36-1

Mystic, CT

-----Original Message-----
From: David Risch via CnC-List <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 5:51 PM
To: Stus-List <>
Cc: David Risch <>
Subject: Stus-List Re: New sails, new wind

Bottom line with sails these days is crew.  How many and how often. Getting
harder and harder (So I hear) to find consistent good crew.   When I raced
with 4 headsails, 3 spinnakers etc. I had 8 on board my 40-2.   Son moved on
in life and the adult day camp program ceased.   When I do race now its
short-handed or solo.   Even a tacking a 135% roller is "fun" in our
Buzzards Bay smokin' SWers when alone or with one.  Now that we can get a
rating bump for a 125% will reduce the headsail to the 125%. And I muuch
prefer the minimal logistics and the solitude/focused conversation with the
less is more crew configuration.    

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Abbott via CnC-List <> 
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2021 4:42 PM
Cc: Robert Abbott <>
Subject: Stus-List New sails, new wind

Interesting discussion on sail selection.  And that is a broad subject. What
kind of racing?

While I have retired from racing, I clearly remember racing with a sail
inventory....4 head sails (150% light and heavy air...#1, 135%...#2, and a
100%..#3), 2 spinnakers (systematical 3/4 oz. and a 1/2 oz.).   Many races
we (I as the foredeck person) was changing head sails to suit changes
conditions.  We sometimes did a spinnaker peel (something we practiced). 
The main stayed full until we had to go down to the #3. Much of this racing
was on a C&C 33 MKII and a C&C 34R.

Where I sail here in Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada, there is no one
sail that works best for any given race day.  I am now a reacher, not a
racer, but I still know the difference in sail selection for the conditions.
I now sail much of the season with a furled is my go to
sail...many days my 100% blade is the sail to day last year, a
fellow lister here that we raced a lot together, was coming with me for an
afternoon sail and he said "it is going to be a light air day, bring your
155% light air Kevlar today.... I did we dropped the 135% and hoisted the
155% and it was the right sail for the day.  The next day, no way could I
hoist the 155%.

One head sail for racing is something I have no knowledge and/or experience
in and therefore have no relevant or helpful advice.

If you wish to race with only one head sail, and your prevailing wind is
around 10 knots true, my best guess would be a 135%.

Robert Abbott
C&C 32 - #277
Halifax, N.S.
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with
the costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use
PayPal to send contribution --
d=0  Thanks - Stu
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with
the costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use
PayPal to send contribution --  Thanks -
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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