If those are stainless steel screws in Aluminum without any protection, they've likely welded/corroded themselves to the aluminum.  You will likely only get them out with a drill.  You will then have to re-tap the holes, or use a threaded insert to remount your spreader.  If you do get them off, when you put new in use a lot of never seize compound or teflon to separate the two materials.

You might get lucky if you just drill the heads off the screws to get a vice grip on them for more
power.  I've never had much luck with them tho.

  Jeff Nelson
  Muir Caileag
  C&C 30 0549

On 2021-01-14 7:29 a.m., Adam Hayden via CnC-List wrote:


I am in the process of ordering new spreaders and the supplier asked to send the old bases so the holes can be properly aligned.

The spreader bases are attached by screws.  I have soaked with penetrating oil this evening and will soak over night.  I will bring a torch over tomorrow.   Any other suggestions would be appreciated.  I would prefer not to have to drill them out.

See the attached link

https://photos.app.goo.gl/RuDjmDNgWMELrcoR6 <https://photos.app.goo.gl/RuDjmDNgWMELrcoR6>

C&C 36
Pictou NS

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