Our Nicro unit has been working well for years. I replaced the battery
once, and replaced the fan blades several times.

Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC

On Sun, 6 Dec 2020 at 16:07, David Risch <davidrisc...@msn.com> wrote:

> Did a bit of research.  Seems they all stink.    What say you?
> Sent from my Android. Please forgive typos. Thank you.
> Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with
> the costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use
> PayPal to send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks
> - Stu
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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