I just thought of another possibility for repair of these (older) rub rails, if 
you can either get ahold of a replacement piece, and cut the outer rubber off 
to match the section you want to replace,  or a piece of vinyl or urethane that 
you can form to the correct shape, it is possible to glue.

I have had excellent results with  an epoxy specifically made for urethanes and 
rubbers from Lord Corp.  

It is called 320/322 epoxy adhesive, and works even better than the epoxy 
adhesive I previously used from Acrotech.

If you are lucky, you can sometimes (Like now) find it on EBay in small mixing 



Bill Coleman

Entrada, Erie, PA




From: Greg Alimenti [mailto:galime...@sjcity.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 11:00 AM
To: Stus-List
Subject: Stus-List Re: Rub rail repair test


There is one more complication to removing the rubrail on older C&C’s.  C&C 
riveted the rub rail to the inside flange of the hull probably to hold it in 
place before the deck was installed.  I used a sawzall to cut the rubrail and 
rivets away after of course the bolts were out.  Messy and slow but doable.  I 
had to replace the entire rubrail due to damage and botched repairs of PO(s).  
Bought new rubrail from Southshore which has held up fine over 20 yrs. 


Greg Alimenti


St. Joseph, MI


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list to help offset the costs. If you want to support the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --   https://www.paypal.me/stumurray  Thanks - Stu

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