When I swapped out my A4s I had something similar. I found out the issue by 
disconnected the shift lever from the cable and shifting right at the engine. 
That worked fine, so then I knew the cable needed adjustments. If that doesn’t 
help, something else is wrong.

Joe Della Barba Coquina C&C 35  MK I

From: General Gao [mailto:general.z....@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 25, 2020 8:58 PM
To: Stus-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Stus-List Re: Universal diesel

Hi Bill,

Thx for the input. So I take it as the reverse and forward are at two ends of 
the travel? I assume there should be no reason that when I move the lever to 
the end of the travel the gear still doesn’t engage?( unless I totally 
destroyed it, which I don’t believe I did anything that can cause that)


On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 10:47 Bill Coleman 
<colt...@gmail.com<mailto:colt...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Yes, once when I repowered, it did not go into reverse all the way. I 
discovered that the forward reverse lever was just on the verge of popping / 
not popping into gear. In other words, right on the edge of its throw.  This 
was resolved by shortening the throw, in other words moving the Morse connector 
closer to the center of the axis. Usually there are different holes you can put 
the clevis onto to make it a longer or shorter throw period if there aren't, 
then drill a new one in . If this is your problem of course.

Bill Coleman
Entrada Erie PA

On Sun, Oct 25, 2020, 9:22 AM General Gao 
<general.z....@gmail.com<mailto:general.z....@gmail.com>> wrote:
So I got my boat back to the marina and the engine worked fine after replacing 
the filters...I will be working on the hoses later before the next season.

However just as I arrived at the marina, another "symptom" showed up. after I 
docked my boat, the marina wanted to move the boat to another spot. One of the 
staff, actually the mechanic who fixed my filters, put the lever into reverse, 
however the gear box would not get into reverse! forward seemed to be fine 
though. I was using the reverse just two minutes ago without issue, how would 
it suddenly not go into reverse?

Yesterday I checked the connection between the lever and the transmission, 
which I believe with Universal it is Hurth? The cable seemed to be moving the 
input shaft.

Anyone have had an experience like this?


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