Amen. After some engine work, I was able to start it a number times, then 
nothing. I spent many hours chasing the wires. Everything connected, yes. 12 v 
where needed, yes. Finally realized that even though I had connectivity, there 
was just not enough current. Ran a separate wire from the terminal on the 
starter (direct cable from battery) to the ignition switch. Aha! Running again. 
40 year old wire and connections….




St. Michaels MD

From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of Dennis C. via 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 11:36 AM
To: CnClist <>
Cc: Dennis C. <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Engine starting issue


Yanmar?  Don't forget to service the wiring harness connection near the engine, 
coat contacts with TefGel and then plug and unplug it several times.  
Generously wrap electrical tape around it when finished.


Dennis C.

Touche' 35-1 #83

Mandeville, LA


On Fri, Jul 31, 2020 at 9:44 AM David Knecht via CnC-List 
< <> > wrote:

Twice in the last week, I have noticed an issue that might be a prelude to a 
greater problem. Normally, I start the engine by turning on the key, hitting 
the glow plug button for 30 seconds and then hitting the start button.   Never 
been a problem there.  Both times that this has happened, the engine was 
already warm and I just turned the key on, hit the start button and got no 
response.  Tried again a few seconds later and it started up fine both times.  
Is it possible that something needs a few seconds to power up after turning the 
key on (solenoid?)?  I don’t remember this being an issue in the past, but it 
is not often I start the engine by just turning the key and pushing start.  My 
start battery is a 10 year old AGM and has had no trouble cranking the engine 
in general, even after warming the glow plugs for 45 seconds.     Thanks- Dave


David Knecht

S/V Aries

1990 C&C 34+




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