The interior is odd by today's standards for sure.  But for us, the pilot
berths would be great for two young boys and it seems it could easily sleep
4 adults and 4 kids if we had visitors.

What kinds of speeds did you see regularly on your charter experience? I
don't see anywhere in my googling what realistic speeds might be other than
suggested hull speeds of 7ish knots.


On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 8:01 PM Nate Flesness via CnC-List <> wrote:

> I own a 30-1, but have chartered a tall rig 40, with the deep keel.
> Sailing it was like a freight train... the most amazing speed and
> ground-covering ability I have ever dealt with.
> Still brings a smile thinking about it.
> That said, I thought the interior was set up for a racing crew more than
> cruisers, but thats just a personal preference.
> Good luck
> Nate
> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 4:38 PM Jeffrey Brideau via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> Allow me to first apologize for any ignorance we may suffer before I
>> introduce our situation. I've been sailing all sorts of small craft for 35+
>> years but this will be our first adventure in something no-longer
>> trailerable.  I and my wife are shopping for an upgrade in size from our
>> O'Day 23-2 and are attracted to the C&C line of boats given our budget, the
>> perceived quality, performance/comfort reputation, and availability in the
>> local market. We started eyeing a 35-3 in VT (and may still consider it)
>> but after looking at a few 35' boats locally we are realizing they may
>> still be a bit small for our rapidly growing family of four (and trucking
>> and bottom painting a boat from VT to NH/ME seacoast adds a lot of costs),
>> we have started looking at some C&C 40 boats in MA/RI  area. I'm not afraid
>> of some small projects that can be carried out while we use it or in the
>> offseason but not interested in a "project boat"  that would need work to
>> be safe before use.
>> Now for the questions:
>> We have scheduled the two 40's above for a visit next weekend, one we saw
>> in the boatyard without invitation this weekend. They are both on the hard,
>> and the one we briefly visited is a centerboard version. The other is a
>> tall-rig/deep-keel.  See the photos linked.
>> 1. On this boat, what is the drain in the keel for? Is it a bilge drain
>> or a centerboard trunk vent? There was something, perhaps a piece of wood,
>> loose inside the drain that I could move with a finger.
>> 2. On cabin top starboard, there appears to be a wire cable winch that
>> I've not seen on other examples. Is this the centerboard pendant perhaps?
>> 3. Is the weeping from the centerboard pivot access ports reasonable or
>> expected. It may be lubricant as the broker suggests it was somewhat
>> recently serviced.
>> Notes: The "smile" needs addressing but seems dry. Depth and knot log
>> sensors have been painted over with antifoul despite being listed in the
>> description as features. Gelcoat seems good for its age.
>> We are leaning towards the centerboard model as the Marina we are
>> targeting in Portland, ME has limited areas of draft to accommodate a 7.5'
>> keel at low tide. However, fewer moving parts is a huge advantage as is
>> better sailing performance. But, we might be forced into a less
>> desirable marina or have a low tide +/- 1hr time block for coming or going
>> from the marina.
>> Last general question and ask for advice, what is the mast step situation
>> on either of these boats and apart from waterlogged cores in the deck and
>> hull, what are the critical points of interest to a new buyer that thinks
>> he is somewhat savvy.
>> All polite thoughts welcomed.
>> Best regards,
>> Jeff
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