Effective Thursday, May 7, at 7 a.m., recreational boating activities, including motorized and non-motorized vessels and personal watercraft, are permitted, however:

  * Boaters must be with immediate family members or people with which
    they reside.
      o No more than 10 people can be on a boat at one time, including
        captain and crew.
  * Boats must be distanced from each other by at least 10 feet and
    are prohibited from rafting up, beaching, or having rendezvous
      o Boats are prohibited from docking at restaurants or bars.
  * Vessel and boat races remain prohibited.
  * Marinas can reopen to recreational boaters, but must adhere to
    Maryland Departments of Commerce and Health guidelines

  * Pump-out stations and boats may resume operations under the
    Departments of Commerce and Health guidelines.
  * Local jurisdictions may choose to open public boat ramps, but must
    ensure social distancing guidelines.
  * All normal boating rules and regulations are in effect and must be


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