Probably makes it a lot more difficult to keep those invasive Asian carp
out of the lakes

On Sun, Nov 24, 2019 at 1:27 PM Jeffrey A. Laman via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Ludington Yacht Club, along the east shore of L. Michigan has had a very
> difficult time with water levels this year and last.  If the water
> continues to rise, it will close the club.  The docks are floating, but the
> LYC grounds around the building are flooded.  The parking lot has been
> raised maybe 18 inches, but on some days floods.  The club was closed for
> several weeks at the beginning of the summer due to water threatening
> electrical panels and backing up sewage.  Both have been remedied.  Access
> to the docks and building  from the parking lot has been via newly
> constructed (temporary?) 30ft to 50ft walkways built about 2.5 feet above
> grade (flooded by at least a foot of water).  If the water rises much more,
> the club will have to close.
> Another poster indicated this is all due to lack of evaporation and cold
> temps resulting in ice cover.  That's half the equation.  The L. Mich
> drainage basin received excessive rainfall this past summer which drove up
> water levels.  So, two factors -- rain and evaporation.
> This has been great for the shallow channels that the Army Corp won't
> dredge due to recreational use only, but not good for a lot of docks.
> There has also been increased danger for swimmers and folks walking out on
> piers -- the waves wash over the concrete piers with very little wind.
> Jeff Laman
> C&C34 "Harmony"
> Ludington, MI
> ------------------------------
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 23, 2019 3:30 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Great Lakes water levels...for C&Cs
> FWIW, Toronto had flooded docks when I was there in July because of
> unusually high water levels.
> Chuck, Resolute, C&C 34R, Pasadena, Md
> On November 23, 2019 at 9:42 AM "Matthew L. Wolford via CnC-List" <
>> wrote:
> We are having problems on Lake Erie.  Portions of the Erie Yacht Club
> grounds were under water this spring and summer.  Even when the level
> dropped toward the end of the season, a strong breeze will change local
> levels and create a problem.  During the storm on October 31, the
> difference in lake level between Toledo and Buffalo was 14 feet.
> *From:* pete.shelquist--- via CnC-List <>
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 23, 2019 6:34 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Great Lakes water levels...for C&Cs
> We have record high water levels on Western Lake Superior and I understand
> others in the great lakes are experiencing the same if not worse.   With
> the forecast unclear if this water level is a new normal or cyclical, and
> the fixed docks at our club nearing max height, I’m wondering what other
> clubs are experiencing, expecting going forward and what measures you are
> implementing to accommodate?
> ------------------------------
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