
I use Berkeley Marine through an independent broker.  No claims experience


On Tue, Nov 12, 2019 at 12:38 PM David E Spiro via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> I can absolutely confirm that BoatUS/Geico depreciates to 20 percent on
> repairs, on a policy that has an agreed value.  The agreed value is for a
> total loss.  When they paid for repairs on my 1981 C&C 40 this past summer,
> I had to pay for 80% of any fitting or other part of the hull, AFTER the
> deductible.  Labor is not depreciated. But…
> In my case, BoatUS/Geico sent adjusters who had no experience or knowledge
> of sailboats.  The adjusters gave a ridiculously low estimate of time
> required to make repairs, and used labor rates that were less than half the
> prevailing rates in the NE US.  I then had to have every single charge over
> and above the fictional estimate approved, which took weeks.  And I had to
> pay for storage while they were approving the new charges.
> They also made several accounting errors in calculating how much to
> reimburse me, and it took several weeks to explain the errors to them and
> have them corrected.  The total payout in the end was nearly ten times what
> they had first determined.
> I went with them because last winter I sailed to the Bahamas, and their
> policy with additional Bahamas coverage was not very expensive.  But given
> that they do have any restrictions on what season one sails in the Bahamas,
> I expect their rates are going to go up dramatically.  (Funny how insurance
> companies adjust premia to reflect past losses, rather than pricing risk as
> they are supposed to).
> I am extremely unhappy with BoatUS/Geico.  I’d welcome referrals to
> companies that will insure a boat built in 1981 for offshore sailing, or
> referrals to brokers that can find good underwriters.
> David Spiro
> SV Hidden Hand
> City Island, NY
> -----Original Message-----
> You'll want to look very closely for issues related to depreciation.? If
> you have a policy in PDF format, you can do a search on words like
> "depreciate" "depreciation" and 20%" and you should find it.?
> Bruce Whitmore
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