Had an exchange (after some effort) with the folks at octopus drives and here’s 
the result:

>> The boat is a 1985 C&c 33 mkii, and it displaces around 10,000 lbs.  it is 
>> currently fitted with a 2015 Raymarine ev100 wheelpilot system.  This system 
>> includes a control unit - the acu-100 - which can provide 7A of current to a 
>> drive unit.  the acu-100 has provision for a rudder position sensor, but one 
>> is not currently installed.   It does not have electrical connections for a 
>> clutch.
>> I am not happy with the wheel drive for a variety of reasons and would like 
>> to install a below-deck linear drive. 
>> Unfortunately, Most larger and especially hydraulic drives require more than 
>> the 7A current available from the ev-100, meaning I would have to upgrade to 
>> a larger unit (acu) in addition to acquiring the drive itself and hardware.
>> It appears however that the octopus RS drive is designed more or less for 
>> this sort of application, though I do have some questions and have been 
>> unable to find consistent application information.
>> -Is this drive compatible with the Raymarine system described above?
>> No it is not, I believe the EV100 does not have a solenoid/clutch output.. 
>> though the 7A max is no problem the EV200 would be the minimum requirement
>> -how does the clutch engage/disengage electrically?  Would assume 12v either 
>> engages or disengages the clutch, and this could be accomplished with a 
>> switch if necessary.
>> Engaged and disengaged by the ECU  
>> Is it even necessary given the “joggle the wheel” clutch disengagement 
>> feature of the RS drive?  (You could have the clutch engaged by the motor 
>> voltage, then disengage manually in the absence of that voltage, if I 
>> understand correctly)
>> It still requires a joggle of the wheel to disengage the pin activated by 
>> the solenoid
>> - is this the drive your experts would recommend for this application?   Is 
>> there a better option?
>> This is the preferred drive for smaller displacement sailboats due to its 
>> lower amp draw and less wheel resistance compared to the hydraulic linear 
>> drives
>> -Any other advice?
>> Upgrade to a EV200 or any other pilot with clutch/solenoid output

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