I recall coming across those same problems too. A couple of things. pool stores have some really neat stuff in them if you just go in them and browse around. The fittings,  they are more like 1 and 1/2 in then 1& 5/8. Also, I always use a heat gun. Really makes them easy to get on and off. also, tractor supply has some nice fittings. They have pretty durable nylon pieces for Farmers spray equipment and stuff so it's pretty tough. They also have what could be used as through hull strainers that look just as good as what I have seen in Marine stores

Bill Coleman

On Jun 10, 2019 8:03 AM, "Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

The head plumbing got clogged up on our last trip. I could not fix it without removing some of the old hoses. As expected, they all had to be cut apart, nothing was going to come loose. I heaved it all in the dumpster and got some new hose and a 1.5 inch 90 degree elbow. No matter how tight I made the clamps, it ended up leaking. I took it back to West Marine and did some comparisons with other 1.5” fittings. Most of them are a bit too big and you can’t even get them on without heating the hose up and using a lot of force. Say they are all maybe 1.6 inches in diameter. The 90 degree fittings are more like 1.4 inches.

I ended up using a boat pole to fish the old plumbing back out of the dumpster and cutting the elbow out of that mess to use again.

Final part of the rant: The Y-Valve has a smooth fitting that is a bit tight and doesn’t leak, but you can get the hose back off. Why can’t they ALL be that way!



C&C 35 MK I


Composting head looks better every day………………………………….


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