Try looking at a 34.  Love ours.  We are second owner and had her for 20 years. 
 Great in all conditions excels in light air.  Well built.  Traditional layout 
that just works well.  Large enough for hot water, stove with oven, etc.  
Easily handled by couple.  Cruise 4 very comfortably.  Normally have Yanmar 
diesels.  Later builds with (80 to 82) have better interiors 


John and Maryann

Legacy III

1982 C&C 34

Noank, CT




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rod Stright 
via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019 5:19 AM
Cc: Rod Stright
Subject: Re: Stus-List 1974 36 mk2 questions


In my view, although older, the C&C 35 Mark 2 is a great all round boat.  We 
won our class in the Marblehead to Halifax Ocean race in light airs, and on the 
trip down in strong headwinds and rough seas, the flare forward kept the bow 
from submarining into the waves when much larger boats couldn’t cope and had to 
motor sail much slower.  The flare also deflected the waves back down into the 
sea making for a much dryer ride than other boats.  A lot of room below 
compared to the 35 mark 1 (3 feet longer on the waterline as I recall).  Very 
well built hull, decks may have some soft spots but overall they seem to have 
stood up fairly well.


Good luck!!


Rod Stright

C&C 99 



From: CnC-List <> On Behalf Of dwight veinot via 
Sent: January-10-19 5:55 AM
Cc: dwight veinot <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List 1974 36 mk2 questions


Have you used the sailing calculator under technical info on the cncphoto album 
site. It allows u to compare boats by the numbers. I have found it very useful


On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 12:59 AM Shawn Wright via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

Hi Steve,


Thanks for the info. I've talked to brokers, but there are so few listings 
around here that they don't have anything to show me. I have visited and walked 
every dock within a 2 hour drive from here, but being on an island, that's not 
a lot of boats, even with cruising grounds in our backyard. There are new 
private listings starting to appear every day now, but nothing new at the 
brokers yet. The problem is I have not nailed down what I want yet, so the 
boats that have interested me are hugely varied, and usually just out of my 
price range - like Westsail 32, Nicholson 35, CS 36T. The CS 36T I have not 
been on board, but there are 5 of them nearby, and the interior photos I've 
seen look great, but it's about double my budget, so I'm now considering the CS 
30, but they are much less common here. Lots of C&Cs, but anything over 27' is 
usually asking too much, like $30K+. I even looked at Catalina 30... 


The only C&C 32 listed here currently is asking $40K, and the broker says it's 
because the wife says sell, but the husband doesn't want to, so he won't drop 
the price...

There are a ton of C&Cs here (at WestPort in Sidney they are more common that 
Catalinas) but the prices seem higher than most places.


I do need to get on board a few more C&Cs to get a feel for them, as I have 
only been on the 26, 35-2 and 37 so far. And yes, a diesel is a must. Trouble 
is, I want a decent light air boat that can also handle rough seas that we will 
sea at times, especially north of Desolation Sound. And that usually means at 
least 32', which is a challenge to get for $20-25K CAD. 


But I am learning at lot along the way. :)




On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 6:23 AM Stevan Plavsa via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

Shawn, talk to some brokers and look at their boats is my advice. 


This reminds me of a guy who came out to buy a hatchback I was selling 
recently. The guy drove over an hour out to the countryside where we live to 
look at the car, and to try his kid seat in it. It didn't end up fitting how he 
liked. He would have saved both of us a lot of time if he had just gone to a 
used car lot and done his decision making there. Likewise, you can learn a lot 
walking the docks and talking to other boat owners, or calling on brokers and 
seeing their boats. Those folks are literally paid to show boats. Get your 
short list figured out, buy the first boat that meets your requirements and 
price point. Go sailing. 


For what it's worth. This is why I priced my boat low when I sold it, and went 
through a broker. Quick sale, and only the serious buyers will make the effort. 
First guy who looked at it, bought it. Had to rip the bandage off, it was a 
hard decision. 


Sorry if my earlier message sounded full of crankitude - I'm boatless, and 
jealous :)


If you're looking at boats in those size ranges, I REALLY loved my C&C 32. And 
they tend to be priced lower for whatever reason, they're not great PHRF boats 
and it seems around here that's what matters. They are a great handling, and 
sailing boat that one can cruise on in comfort, though. Mine was a 1980, later 
ones came with diesels, mine had an A4. Purchased for 18k, sold for 25k five 
years later (and many, many boat bucks of investment and hours of work later - 
and cruises all over Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay). I sold a turn-key boat 
with new sails, solar panels, electrical, plumbing, etc etc etc. 







On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 5:57 PM Shawn Wright via CnC-List 
<> wrote:

Hello all,


Had a look at the 35 mk2 in Victoria, and while it will be a great boat for 
someone, we've decided it's just not for us. There is a lot of value in recent 
upgrades, but the quality of workmanship is not quite what I'd like to see, and 
there is a bit too much complexity in the engine compartment, with dual 
alternators, watermaker, etc. Having now been on two 35s, I can say that it is 
still a contender on our list though. The owner is motivated to sell, so if 
you're interested, I can pass along his contact info.




On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 10:30 AM Shawn Wright <> wrote:

Thanks for all the info. Going to look at the boat today, so I will report 
back. I was invited on board another '74 35 mk2 yesterday, after viewing a 
Catalina (am I allowed to say that here...?) 30 and a CS 27. Needless to say, I 
preferred the C&C, and it just made me more curious about Callisto. If the work 
done appears to be well executed and not a hack job. Will report back...


On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 9:40 AM Dave S via CnC-List <> 

Agree on condition and will add that it’s well Worth paying a bit more for a 
boat with recent upgrades, esp if they are the upgrades you’d make anyway.  
(The Bimini you’d buy anyway is effectively  free in a used boat).    
35-2 was on my shortlist when I bought my 33-2.  
Vs Toronto area Price seems a bit high (as you’d expect from any seller) but 
cash is king....  he’s seeking reasonable offers.
Looks like the boat has already been equipped for the uses you have planned, 
and that hard dodger may be perfect for what you want, especially if you can 
steer from there, sitting in the companionway.  (Under power Via autopilot) 
Curious about the twin furler mod and how the stays are supported.  
Good luck!


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 5, 2019, at 9:58 AM, Steve Thomas <> wrote:
> Condition is everything, and that is not a high price for a reasonably 
> well-equipped boat in good condition, especially in BC where prices are 
> generally higher, most likely due to the absurd cost of housing. 
> Steve Thomas
> C&C 36 
> ---- Shawn Wright via CnC-List <> wrote: 
> Hello,
> I am considering a '74 36' mk2, with several modifications, and I am
> curious about how they might affect the boat in terms of suitability for
> coastal cruising (BC coast) and possibly a trip around Vancouver Island.
> Perhaps some here are familiar with the boat 'Callisto' which has:
> Twin furlers rigged with 150 genoa and 90 jib.
> VW diesel with dual alternators, reported 4000 hrs.
> Watermaker
> Aluminum framed dodger (not the most attractive, but appears well built).
> The asking price is $32k CAD, which seems high.
> Interested in thoughts on this boat, and the 35-2 in general.
> Thanks
> -- 
> Shawn Wright


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Shawn Wright



Shawn Wright


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Shawn Wright


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