Mine behaves similarly.  You should be able to bleed the tank from that new 
valve. I will give it a shot as well.

I would guess you have a supply line laying on the hot water hose from the heat 

Rick Rohwer
Paikea 37+
Tacoma, WA
> On Oct 22, 2018, at 11:21 AM, Jim Watts via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> I'm baffled. Maybe someone here can figure this out. 
> A few weeks ago, I replaced the leaking overpressure/overtemperature valve on 
> our old Raritan water heater, and ever since, the pressure water pump acts 
> very oddly. It starts out sounding normal, then as the pressure builds it is 
> obviously working harder and slower, until finally it stops. When I open the 
> hot water tap, the water runs for quite a while before the pump kicks in, 
> whereas it used to come on almost instantaneously. In addition, when I open 
> the taps after motoring, the cold water tap is providing very hot water for 
> the first 10-15 seconds.
> Yesterday I tried running the system dry then refilling the tank but it 
> didn't seem to help. My best guess is that there is an air bubble in the tank 
> somehow and the pump is compressing the air, so it takes longer to reach 
> pressure and then the pressure bleeds off while the tap is open.
> Any bright ideas on how I might fix this? 
> Jim Watts
> Paradigm Shift
> C&C 35 Mk III
> Victoria, BC
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