Installing a bow thruster?   :^)

— Fred

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI

> On Jul 31, 2018, at 10:58 AM, Dennis C. via CnC-List <> 
> wrote:
> OK, after 20 years  of ownership, I'm pretty good at driving Touche'.  
> Touche's "home" slip in Louisiana is in a fairly protected bayou, has both 
> outboard and midships pilings on either side and a port side finger pier.  I 
> can competently back Touche' in using propwalk, etc. without touching any 
> pilings.  Whoopee.
> However, the "temporary" slip I use in Pensacola is a whole different 
> scenario.  First, it has a starboard side finger pier which extends to just 
> short of full boat length.  Second, it is a double slip with NO pilings 
> between Touche' and my neighbor, an IP 37.  Third, the prevailing wind is 
> from the starboard side.  
> In Pensacola, I dock Touche' bow in for privacy and scenic view issues.  
> Docking stern in isn't a desirable option because the bow will fall off 
> towards my neighbor while docking and looking at a scenic bayou is preferable 
> to looking at a working boatyard.
> So, docking bow in with a wind from starboard and prop walk which pulls the 
> boat to port is a challenge.  The wind pushes the boat dramatically to port 
> when docking.  The prop walk exacerbates the movement to port.  The wind and 
> prop walk both working against the boat sucks.
> I've tried several techniques with limited to moderate success.  The best the 
> Admiral and I have come up with is to approach at a slight upwind angle to 
> the finger pier, have a spring/warp line attached a bit forward of midships, 
> have crew leap off the boat and secure the spring to the outermost cleat on 
> the finger pier to stop forward motion.  Once the line is secure, we warp the 
> stern in with forward propulsion and left rudder and secure a stern line.  
> The stern still tries to swing to port midway through this process but we 
> manage it.
> Now for my main issue.  Docking single handed.  I can't see myself 
> approaching the pier, putting the boat in reverse, scrambling out of the 
> steering station past the Bimini bows, securing the spring line, jumping back 
> on the boat, warping the stern in and then securing the stern line by myself.
> Any secret tricks I haven't explored?
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA

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