The reason that I don’t think it is a defective block/cleat is that it happened 
with two different Garhauer triple blocks, one with the cam upright and one 
with the cam upside down.  It has only happened once so far with the new one, 
but I don’t really want to have to worry about it happening again.  From what I 
have been reading from the list and elsewhere, my boom was probably farther off 
center than optimal for a heavy weather jibe on the most recent event, so I 
intend to be more careful in the future about how far I sheet it in prior to 
the turn.  Dave  
PS- I will be selling one of the Garhauer’s (triple with becket and cam) once I 
sort this out if anyone is interested.  I would offer it to the list first.

> On Jun 9, 2018, at 11:11 AM, Marek Dziedzic via CnC-List 
> <> wrote:
> Just a thought…
> If you could recreate the problem you might consider borrowing a similar 
> block from a neighbor and trying it. If the problem disappears, a replacement 
> block would solve it. If it does not, at least you eliminated a bad 
> block/cleat possibility.
> Marek

1990 C&C 34+
New London, CT


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