I had a very similar system on my boat (it was a 4:1 at the traveller) and I changed it to a 3:1/6:1 using a Garhauer block (double (parallel) 3:1). It has the cam cleats at the bottom, but the sheet had never fallen off during a jibe. I noticed that one needs to pay attention how one cleats the sheet, so that it is fully in the cleat (and not caught just be the fraction of the diameter (almost falling out)).
I cannot help with determining the cause of your problem, but I would highly recommend a switch to (in your case) a 4:1/8:1 (or even a 3:1/6:1). You would need to make some adjustments (e.g. add a becket and a block to the set-up I have), but I bet that Guido at Garhauer could help. This makes much easier to make the jibes (much less line to handle) and the precise adjustment (better purchase). Here is my set-up: https://1drv.ms/u/s!At7BtDHoAfRtnW_Jd3QNxRcyGIRs Marek 1994 C270 “Legato” Ottawa, ON From: David Knecht via CnC-List Sent: Monday, June 4, 2018 09:30 To: CnC CnC discussion list Cc: David Knecht Subject: Stus-List Mainsheet cleat and jibes I had a problem for the last two seasons with my main sheet handling system. I have a double ended system, with a 5:1 on the traveler with a Garhauet triple block with cam cleat then led forward to the mast and back to a winch on the cabin roof. The advantage is that I can quickly adjust in lighter airs with the traveller system and winch the main in heavy airs at the other end. It works fine except I had a problem that many times (not always) when I jibe, the main sheet pulled out of the cleat on the triple and the line ran out until it hit the stop knot. It happens so fast that I really could not see why this was causing this. It would happen even when the traveller car was stopped on both sides and there was loss of tension on the sheet prior to the jibe. The only thing I could see that might be an issue is that the block has the cam cleat on the underside so perhaps it was “falling out” of the cam during the jibe. We tried to make sure the sheet was not dangling down into the cabin, but it still seemed to happen. As a last resort, I ordered a triple from Garhauer with the cam on the upper side and installed it recently. I was in a race yesterday in heavy air, and it happened again with the new version of the block and cleat. Does anyone have any insights on what is causing this and how to stop it? Thanks- Dave Aries 1990 C&C 34+ New London, CT [cid:74344223BA594642975228D770CCF003@BigLaptopETS]
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