Hi Brian,

From your description posted a while ago, you do
not have a system full of air. Nor do you have a
filter full of air. You have at most a few inches
of air in the tank pick-up & hose rune. Is this still the case?

Isn't this Yanmar a self-bleeding version once it's running?

BTW, copper washers as easily annealed using a
propane torch. Google for the method. Then they are reusable.

        Cheers, Russ
        Sweet 35 mk-1

At 08:22 AM 5/6/2018, you wrote:
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Josh, nice videos.  The priming bulb would be
great to have to facilitate this process.  May
install one next time I change the fuel filters
and am not under time pressure to get the boat
launched…Â   Am still on the hard over an
hour’s drive away with an early Thursday AM launch time.Â

Can the seal washers from McMaster be tightened
multiple times?  Unlike the Yanmar copper
washers…Â   Do you have specific seal washers
at McMaster that work in the Yanmar fuel
system?  Have replaced the 8 and 12 mm Yanmar
washers when replacing the fuel filter
housing.  A “professional” mechanic had
over tightened the supply banjo bolt stripping the threads.Â

Found this suggestion on line and not sure if it
makes sense; not sure if this would force the
air past / through the injectors leave the
system fully primed. Â Do not want to cause more problems:Â

“If your fuel system is now filled with air, I
would try the following. Engage the
decompression levers, close the cooling water
thru hull, pull the engine stop, and then spin
the engine using the starter. Hopefully that
will pull fuel through the system and return any
air back to the tank. If you just try to start
the engine and air is the system, you will get
air into the high pressure injector lines and starting will be a problem.”Â

May just go the route Edd suggested and do it manually…Â

Any other suggestions?


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