On my boat the grab rails are matched sets.  The outside grab rails have long 
(3 or 4 inches long) screws that attach to nuts on the inner grab rails.  The 
two sandwich the cabin roof in between.

1990 C&C 34R
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md

> On April 15, 2018 at 12:56 PM Chris Hobson via CnC-List wrote:
>     With the cabin headliner on my 1980 30’ MK1 being one solid piece, there 
> are no accessible bolts for the cabin top grab rail. I’m sure I could figure 
> out how to remove the grab rail but without a bolt to hold the underside to 
> tighten it back up I’m a bit lost. Does anyone know how how I’d refasten one 
> of these to the cabin top?
>     I suppose one way to find out would be to cross my fingers remove the 
> grab rails, and have look around.
>     Thanks
>     Chris
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