
A quick Google search for "using extension with torque multiplier" shows
the most common use of "extension" as an extension of the handle of a
torque wrench, not an extension between the multiplier and socket.

Most of the hits were how to calculate the added torque from extending the

Dennis C.

On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 8:51 AM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <> wrote:

> Dennis, I'm totally in agreement with your thinking and think you are
> envisioning it correctly but I just wanted to check with the collective
> wisdom.  I wish the multiplier had expounded on their "do not use
> extensions" warning.
> Josh
> On Jan 15, 2018 9:44 AM, "Dennis C. via CnC-List" <>
> wrote:
> Hopefully, I'm visualizing the situation correctly.  The configuration I
> see is the socket on the nut, an extension of X inches held by a bushing
> several inches above the socket, then the multiplier on top of the
> extension.
> I just don't see a difference for the multiplier if the extension is held
> firmly.  What difference does it make if the multiplier is 1 inch, 12
> inches or 24 inches from the socket if the extension is held where it can't
> tilt or misalign?  See what I'm thinking?
> Dennis C.
> On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 9:15 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>> wrote:
>> That's a pretty good idea Dennis.  So I take it that you prefer getting
>> the multiplier out of the hole and using the handle?
>> Josh
>> On Jan 14, 2018 8:16 PM, "Dennis C. via CnC-List" <>
>> wrote:
>>> Get some PVC pipe, PVC fittings or some wood pieces and make a bushing
>>> for the hole in the sole to steady the top of the extension and keep it
>>> aligned.  Torque away!
>>> Dennis C.
>>> On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 6:09 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> So now I have a new problem.  Keel bolt #4 is down a deep hole and is
>>>> constrained to a narrow channel.  The immediate thought is to simply use an
>>>> extension.  Problem is that the torque multiplier specifically states to
>>>> not use an extension... I assume on the output shaft.  I also assume that
>>>> the reason for this is to ensure alignment stays perfect while applying
>>>> such extreme torque.
>>>> So, is it better to brace the handle-less multiplier in the bottom of
>>>> the hole while using an extension on the 1/2" drive input shaft to apply
>>>> the required torque?  Without a handle I'll shore up the edges of the hull
>>>> to attempt to prevent excessive point loads and crushing.
>>>> Or is it better to use a 13" long, 3/4" drive, extension between the
>>>> socket and the multiplier to get the multiplier above the hole?  This would
>>>> allow using the handle on the multiplier.
>>>> Here are some pictures:
>>>> wdqVoR4CYTCy
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Josh Muckley
>>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>>> Solomons, MD
>>>> On Jan 13, 2018 10:35 PM, wrote:
>>>>> It looks like I should have checked my standard nut/bolt sizes.  See
>>>>> the attached chart.
>>>>> Josh
>>>>> On Jan 13, 2018 7:54 PM, "Josh Muckley" <> wrote:
>>>>> The only thing I had close to 1-13/16 was 1-7/8 which seemed to fit
>>>>> the #5 bolt and it was only best measured as a 1-1/4" stud.
>>>>> #1 and #7 match, measuring 1" and fit 1-1/2 socket.
>>>>> Here's the latest chart (* denotes unchecked)
>>>>> Keel bolts (fwd to aft):
>>>>>          Nut                       stud
>>>>> 1 - 1 1/2 (38mm)    1 (25mm)
>>>>> 2 - 2 3/16 (56mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>>> *3 - 2 1/4 (57mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>>> 4 - 2 3/16 (56mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>>> 5 - 1 7/8 (47.5mm)1 1/4 (32mm)
>>>>> *6 - 2 1/4 (57mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>>> 7 - 1 1/2 (38mm)    1 (25mm)
>>>>> *8 - 3/4 (19.5mm)    1/2 (13mm)
>>>>> Josh
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