Dennis, I'm totally in agreement with your thinking and think you are
envisioning it correctly but I just wanted to check with the collective
wisdom.  I wish the multiplier had expounded on their "do not use
extensions" warning.


On Jan 15, 2018 9:44 AM, "Dennis C. via CnC-List" <>

Hopefully, I'm visualizing the situation correctly.  The configuration I
see is the socket on the nut, an extension of X inches held by a bushing
several inches above the socket, then the multiplier on top of the

I just don't see a difference for the multiplier if the extension is held
firmly.  What difference does it make if the multiplier is 1 inch, 12
inches or 24 inches from the socket if the extension is held where it can't
tilt or misalign?  See what I'm thinking?

Dennis C.

On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 9:15 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <> wrote:

> That's a pretty good idea Dennis.  So I take it that you prefer getting
> the multiplier out of the hole and using the handle?
> Josh
> On Jan 14, 2018 8:16 PM, "Dennis C. via CnC-List" <>
> wrote:
>> Get some PVC pipe, PVC fittings or some wood pieces and make a bushing
>> for the hole in the sole to steady the top of the extension and keep it
>> aligned.  Torque away!
>> Dennis C.
>> On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 6:09 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List <
>>> wrote:
>>> So now I have a new problem.  Keel bolt #4 is down a deep hole and is
>>> constrained to a narrow channel.  The immediate thought is to simply use an
>>> extension.  Problem is that the torque multiplier specifically states to
>>> not use an extension... I assume on the output shaft.  I also assume that
>>> the reason for this is to ensure alignment stays perfect while applying
>>> such extreme torque.
>>> So, is it better to brace the handle-less multiplier in the bottom of
>>> the hole while using an extension on the 1/2" drive input shaft to apply
>>> the required torque?  Without a handle I'll shore up the edges of the hull
>>> to attempt to prevent excessive point loads and crushing.
>>> Or is it better to use a 13" long, 3/4" drive, extension between the
>>> socket and the multiplier to get the multiplier above the hole?  This would
>>> allow using the handle on the multiplier.
>>> Here are some pictures:
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh Muckley
>>> S/V Sea Hawk
>>> 1989 C&C 37+
>>> Solomons, MD
>>> On Jan 13, 2018 10:35 PM, wrote:
>>>> It looks like I should have checked my standard nut/bolt sizes.  See
>>>> the attached chart.
>>>> Josh
>>>> On Jan 13, 2018 7:54 PM, "Josh Muckley" <> wrote:
>>>> The only thing I had close to 1-13/16 was 1-7/8 which seemed to fit the
>>>> #5 bolt and it was only best measured as a 1-1/4" stud.
>>>> #1 and #7 match, measuring 1" and fit 1-1/2 socket.
>>>> Here's the latest chart (* denotes unchecked)
>>>> Keel bolts (fwd to aft):
>>>>          Nut                       stud
>>>> 1 - 1 1/2 (38mm)    1 (25mm)
>>>> 2 - 2 3/16 (56mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>> *3 - 2 1/4 (57mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>> 4 - 2 3/16 (56mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>> 5 - 1 7/8 (47.5mm)1 1/4 (32mm)
>>>> *6 - 2 1/4 (57mm)  1 1/2 (38mm)
>>>> 7 - 1 1/2 (38mm)    1 (25mm)
>>>> *8 - 3/4 (19.5mm)    1/2 (13mm)
>>>> Josh
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