
I have 2 of these "home" units installed on Honey. I replace them (the
entire unit not just the batteries) every year when the time changes from
ESDT to EST. I see these same units installed on some very high dollar (new
& used) yachts that we export worldwide. If these are good enough for a
$1.5 million+++ dollar boat, then they are good enough for me.

Good luck

Best regards,
Jack Fitzgerald
HONEY - US12788
C&C 39TM
Savannah, GA

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On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List <> wrote:

> My original coal mine CO detector died long ago. I replaced it with a
> Xintex marine CO detector. It is now old enough to need replacement or a
> factory refurb if they will do it. That will cost either $140 or so for new
> or $25 for a refurb. So I was in the hardware store and what do you know –
> a home CO detector for $25 brand new and it runs on batteries.
> Does anyone have any idea if these are suitable for a boat? I am going to
> get something, no way do I want people sleeping below without some kind of
> alarm.
> *Joe Della Barba*
> Coquina
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