So, I take pictures constantly of various parts of the boat and systems. I went back through and found that the halyard being used is actually coming out of one of the spin sheaves. so, the first thing I'm going to do is get that back into the sheave right behind the headstay just below the top attachment point. This leads me to think it would be an issue of not having a halyard restrainer. I made sure the rigging was nice and tight during the launch a few weeks ago. I believe the theory of the line being wrapped around the drum loosely is also causing me some grief and the angle Dennis speaks of may also need some adjustment.

This has been an incredibly helpful conversation! Thank you all so much for offering the thoughts and insights!

I will definitely update my progress!


On 8/9/2017 4:28 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List wrote:

forgot to mention, no halyard restrainer. the sheave is right behind the headstay, where the halyard exist the mast

On 8/9/2017 3:42 PM, Dennis C. via CnC-List wrote:
Mark has identified two  probable culprits.

Drop the sail and flush both the swivel and the drum. Flush liberally with water from multiple angles. Spray some McLube in both if you like. It's optional but a good idea.

While the sail is down, inspect, as best you can, all the joints in the extrusion, if anything looks amiss, investigate it further.

Next, from off the boat, sight the furling line where it enters/exits the drum. It should be very close to perpendicular. If necessary, reposition the forwardmost furling line block to achieve perpendicular. The furling line should move up and down as it feeds on the drum. If it coils in the top, move the block down. If it coils low, move the block up.

As a last check, have a friend furl and unfurl the sail while you observe the swivel and halyard from a distance with binoculars.

Do you have a halyard restrainer?

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 2:16 PM, Dr. Mark Bodnar via CnC-List < <>> wrote:

    My old Harken furler was sticking 2 yrs ago - one day at an
    anchorage I decided to investigate by pulling the sail in and out
    a couple times by hand - the "stick" seemed subtle but suddenly a
    hundred Torlon balls rained down from the mast head!  Seems my
    retaining ring clamp on the upper swivel had come partially out
    of the groove - when it let go I sprinkled the anchorage with the
    innards of the swivel.

    I'd suggest you drop the sail and check the swivel at the top
    first, see if it's spinning freely  and all intact before you
    start testing other parts of the system.

    Other obvious potential issues would be the a catch in the feed
    line, jamming in the drum etc.


    CS30 - Prosecco

    Deep Cove, Nova Scotia

    There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
      - George Santayana

    On 2017-08-09 4:00 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List wrote:

        Hello all,

        I'm having some trouble with my old Harken Roller furler.  It
        seems to get stuck whne unfurling the sail.  It doesn't take
        much to get it past the sticking point and I can still roll
        it in by hand without too much effort.  I'm going down in
        Saturday to play around with it.  Do any of you have any
        advice on diagnosing this or what I should check?

        Thanks in advance!


        Mattapoisett, MA


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