Hi Jessica

I sail out the St. Lawrence in 2014.  Officially retired May 31 and left June 1 
from Long Sault.  We went as far as the Bahamas.  No ocean crossings but a lot 
of coastal sailing.  My only advise is the the St. Lawrence is very cold in 

S/V Persuasion
C&C 37 Keel/CB
Long Sault

From: Free Girls Sailing via CnC-List 
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2016 12:33 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Cc: Free Girls Sailing 
Subject: Stus-List Grand adventure/ long distance sailing in a C&C

My partner are planning a trip from where we are at in Superior Wisconsin 
through the Great Lakes and to the Atlantic and then south and beyond.  

What's the furthest anyone has traveled in their C&C? Any ocean crossings?

1975 C&C 33


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