Jessica — I’m not sure if Jeff Cole is still on the list; but he and his family took his LF38 from Toronto out the St Lawrence, then loaded it onto a ship for the Atlantic crossing. They then picked the boat up in Europe and knocked around for several months, before shipping it back to Canada. Unfortunately, I don’t think his blog is up any more.
Antoine Rose has sailed his 30 across the Atlantic; he may still be on the list, as well. An account of that voyage can be found on Stu’s C&C Photo Album, at — Fred Fred Street -- Minneapolis S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- Bayfield, WI > On Aug 22, 2016, at 11:33 AM, Free Girls Sailing via CnC-List > <> wrote: > > My partner are planning a trip from where we are at in Superior Wisconsin > through the Great Lakes and to the Atlantic and then south and beyond. > > What's the furthest anyone has traveled in their C&C? Any ocean crossings? > > Jessica > 1975 C&C 33
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