Yeah me too.

On Fri, Jul 1, 2016 at 8:58 PM, G Collins via CnC-List <> wrote:

> I had it happen last year, while being committee boat - so anchored in an
> open area, lee shore.  Thankfully our mark boat was a big one and could tow
> me in.  New shaft and coupling...
> Graham Collins
> Secret Plans
> C&C 35-III #11
> On 2016-07-01 2:15 PM, TOM VINCENT via CnC-List wrote:
> It seems this is the year for the shaft to remove itself from the coupler.
> I race on Wednesday nights on the Bohemia River and 4 weeks ago I had
> decided to go out early and warm up a little. I had to return to the fuel
> dock to pick up one crew member. I was adjacent of the pier and he hopped
> aboard, I slid the gear shift lever down, this puts the trans in forward,
> and nothing. We were slowly moving forward to the rock pile jetty at the
> end of the fuel dock and I start shouting for the crew to raise the main
> and get our butts away from the rocks. The wind was blowing abeam and it
> was impossible to raise the main, one crew member quickly unfurls about 10'
> of the genoa and we develop enough forward motion to provide me steerage.
> We barely missed ending up on the rocks. I had the marina haul the boat and
> they replaced the coupler and many boat dollars later, I am back sailing.
> Tom Vincent
> Frolic II, C&C 36'cb
> Chesapeake City, MD
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> This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you
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