
Every boat’s throttle settings are designed so that you push a lever forward to 
go faster forward and back to slow the boat down.  Any other orientation is 
completely counterintuitive and would not be an acceptable application for any 
production boat builder.  In an Edson pedestal, there’s no way to hook up the 
throttle so that the cable is “pushed” to go faster in forward, only pulled.  
Your engine controls are likely to be covered in this document:



That said, the only way your throttle controls would be “reversed” if someone 
were to have changed how the cable connected to the secondary fuel pump rack on 
the diesel and even then, the throttle on the diesel is opened by a cable 
pulling the lever on the engine, not pushing.  

Given your lack of proximity to the boat, I wouldn’t attempt to diagnose this 
problem from afar.  If you’re under such a tight time line, hire a mechanic 
with sailboat diesel experience to straighten this out prior to your arrival.  
Yes it will cost you a few dollars to do so, and while you’re at it, have the 
mechanic change the raw water pump impeller, clean out the accumulated debris 
from the bottom of the fuel tank, change fuel filters and strainers, bleed the 
fuel lines and run the diesel up to operating temperature.  These are not items 
that will be called out in your survey, but are part of the routine annual 
maintenance that should be performed on the boat, especially when it has been 
idle for several months.


With the rush that you’ll be in  to get the boat ready and off the dock, you 
don’t want to get a mile from the marina and have the engine conk out on you.  
Once you get the boat where it needs to go, then take the time to get to know 
your engine and how everything works, or better yet, take a class on basic 
diesel mechanics or buy Nigel Calder’s book on Diesel engine maintenance and 
read up before you get to the boat.


I hope this helps

Chuck Gilchrest

S/V Half Magic

1983 LF 35

Padanaram, MA


From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Lorne Serpa 
via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 1:59 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: Lorne Serpa <lorne.se...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List 1988 30MKII 2GM throttle reversed


Thinking about it,  the transmission would be reversed not the throttle right? 
.  How would I reverse that?  Survey says it's a Kanzaki transmission. 

On Jun 15, 2016 11:50 PM, "Lorne Serpa via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
<mailto:cnc-list@cnc-list.com> > wrote:

I'm going over my survey which I was not present for.  I'm 2000 miles  from my 
boat at this time... But the survey person said my throttle is reversed.  How 
would I fix this?  Is it likely backwards on the helm side or on the engine 
side at the carburetor /throttle valve?  Why would the PO have it reversed to 
begin with? 
I'd like to know in advance of me arriving so I know what kind of task I have 
ahead of time and tools/parts I might need.   I need to sail away within a day 
of arriving to pick it up and would have one day to repair /reverse it to 
correct direction ASAP. 


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