Somewhere in the production run of the 30-1’s, they changed their minds….#593 
has tangs and indents in the mast collar to receive them. Maybe the complaints 
of folks getting locked in the head by a jammed door may have helped?




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Robert 
Gallagher via CnC-List
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 10:46 AM
Cc: Robert Gallagher <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List mast collar tangs C& C 33-2


I'm no engineer.  Just a guess. 


The older models were not designed with vertical running rigging loads at the 
center of the cabin roof. There were  horizontal loads leading from inside the 
mast to winches at the base of the mast 


Later models had halyard, reefing, etc blocks attached to the cabin top that 
lead aft to the cockpit.  These loads are vertical.


In my untrained brain I always assumed that was the reason for the tangs on my 
30 MKII and the lack of tangs on my 30 MKI


But again, I'm no engineer 


Rob Gallagher



Noank Ct



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