Interesting that apparently only some but not all C&C models have these mast 
collar tangs. Mine (C&C 30 MK I hull #7, designed 1971-sh built 1972) does not 
have them. It has a bulkhead about a half-foot forward of the mast that is 
strongly tabbed to the cabin top, which is presumably the design element 
intended to prevent upward flexing of the cabin top. I could see how tangs 
fastened to mast and collar could do the same thing, using the mast as a 
structural member. I wonder when and under what circumstances C&C chose to use 
tangs vs. bulkheads. 

Randy Stafford 
S/V Grenadine 
C&C 30-1 #7 
Ken Caryl, CO 

----- Original Message -----

From: "jhnelson via CnC-List" <> 
To: "cnc-list" <> 
Cc: "jhnelson" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 12:43:50 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List mast collar tangs C& C 33-2 

Cabin top flexes upward, doors won't close. Boat flexes more than it should. 
Generally I don't think anything catestrophic would happen...immediately 
anyway. But flexing the Cabin top is likely not great. 

Sent from my Samsung device 

-------- Original message -------- 
From: Wayne Anstey via CnC-List <> 
Date: 2016-05-31 3:25 PM (GMT-04:00) 
To: Frederick G Street via CnC-List <> 
Cc: Wayne Anstey <> 
Subject: Re: Stus-List mast collar tangs C& C 33-2 

What happens if you don't put them on at all and only put the wedges in? 

Wayne Anstey 
1964 C&C 30mk1 
Bedford, N S, Canada 

Sent from my Bell Sony device over Canada’s largest network. 

---- Bruce Pope via CnC-List wrote ---- 

> Hi Doug. 
> I had the same problem on my 29-2. Installed the mast for the first time 
> after transport, tuned the rigging, everything set up and then... found the 
> tangs in a galley drawer where I had stored them for transport. I had to 
> slacken all rigging before I could get the holes to align. 
> From: CnC-List <> on behalf of Persuasion37 via 
> CnC-List <> 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 4:17 AM 
> To: 
> Cc: Persuasion37 
> Subject: Re: Stus-List mast collar tangs C& C 33-2 
> Hi Doug. 
> On my 37 I cannot install the bolts if I tune the mast first. I've done this 
> a couple of times now and the only thing to do is loosen everything, install 
> the bolts and re-tune. 
> Mike 
> C&C 37 
> Long Sault 
> Sent from my iPad 
> On May 30, 2016, at 8:05 PM, doug.welch--- via CnC-List 
> <> wrote: 
> When I was rigging my new to me 33-2 we couldn't locate one of the the mast 
> collar tangs so I had a friend fabricate a duplicate. Both are now misaligned 
> and the holes are about 1/4 inch too high to slip the bolt in (the boat is 
> fully rigged). My friends have different opinions on this. One says release 
> the rigging and the tangs will slightly deform the cabin top when we reset 
> the mast. Another days remake the tangs so the bolts line up with jokes in 
> the mast when it's fully rigged. Looking for help from you folks. 
> Cheers, 
> Doug 
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
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This list is supported by the generous donations of our members. If you like 
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