I agree on the black smoke due to poor combustion of the diesel fuel.  However, 
I doubt that the lubrication oil would enter the combustion chamber unless the 
rings are badly worn.  With only a few hundred hours on the engine they should 
be as good as new.  I once had an oil change and the guy put in twice the 
proper amount of oil.  I went on a trip the next day and drove about 800 miles 
before I checked the oil level.  There was no damage to the engine.

    On Sunday, May 1, 2016 10:29 PM, Neil Gallagher via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:


One thing you might try is to  is to see what type of smoke you're 
getting.  Burning lubricating oil tends to be blue/white, which 
indicates your might have excess oil splashed up from the crankcase to 
the cylinder walls.  Some splash is normal, that's the way the rings are 
lubricated, but if the oil level is too high you could get burning.  If 
it's black smoke, it indicates poor combustion and unburned fuel, which 
can happen when a diesel is overloaded, or some other kind of fuel 
injection issue.

Neil Gallagher
Weatherly, 35-1
Glen Cove, NY

On 5/1/2016 9:59 PM, Tom Buscaglia via CnC-List wrote:
> Alera is my second C&C, but my first diesel.  My prior 35MK 1 had an Atomic4.
> I have been checking oil on my Yanmar about as often as I did on the A4, like 
> once a season.  Last summer I learned the error of my ways.  But I over 
> compensated for the low oil level and overfilled the engine.
> Our engine only had 489 hours and was in excellent condition.  I just changed 
> the oil today, but before that we did a sail.  I notice at at cripuising RPS 
> she was smoking pretty bad.
> Is this from overfilling or you you all think I did some real damage?
> Minor error or major disaster...
> Tom Buscaglia
> S/V Alera
> 1990 C&C 37+/40
> Vashon WA
> P 206.463.9200
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