Alera is my second C&C, but my first diesel.  My prior 35MK 1 had an Atomic4.

I have been checking oil on my Yanmar about as often as I did on the A4, like 
once a season.  Last summer I learned the error of my ways.  But I over 
compensated for the low oil level and overfilled the engine.

Our engine only had 489 hours and was in excellent condition.  I just changed 
the oil today, but before that we did a sail.  I notice at at cripuising RPS 
she was smoking pretty bad.

Is this from overfilling or you you all think I did some real damage?  

Minor error or major disaster...

Tom Buscaglia
S/V Alera 
1990 C&C 37+/40
Vashon WA
P 206.463.9200


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