I like cetol because it’s quick and easy to use and can easily be touched up.

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From: Dave Godwin via CnC-List
Sent: April 19, 2016 5:31 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Cc: Dave Godwin
Subject: Re: Stus-List Removing Cabin-Top Handrails (AwlWood reference.)

As regards what finish to use on the exterior handrails, another product to 
consider is Awlgrip’s Awlwood MA. Claims to be “more" resistant to UV. I’ve 
used it and it applies a bit thicker than traditional varnish thus requiring 
fewer coats. As far as weather resistance goes, all my finished varnish work is 
sitting overhead in the trusses of my shed so who knows…

Dave Godwin
1982 C&C 37 - Ronin
Reedville - Chesapeake Bay
Ronin’s Overdue Refit

On Apr 19, 2016, at 3:13 PM, Danny Haughey via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 

She looks beautiful! 
I did the handrails on my Viking a few years ago.  But there was no headliner 
and the interior handrails did not alight with the exterior.  They were lagged 
through the coach roof though and the screw heads were very obvious.
I would suggest having a look at compass marine's web page about advice in 
plugging off the screw holes, re-drilling and countersinking the penetrations 
if it isn't already done.  that is an awesome resource for a bunch of boat 

I used epiphanies varnish on the handrails and coated them 8 times all around.  
I think if I were to do it again I might epoxy them first but, the jury is 
still out as that epoxy kind of just peels up in prolonged UV exposure.

I also bedded them using the butyl tape recommended in the compass marine 
article and bought that from compass.  In fact I followed the bedding 
instructions on the site as closely as I could.

Those rails did not leak for the 3 seasons I had her after the replacement and 
I stepped on the repeatedly.

I also replaced the forward hatch the same year, the same way and again no 
leaks.  what really sold me on butyl is that the deck hull joint was sealed 
that way and nearly 40 years later it was still pliable!

On 4/19/2016 2:21 PM, Randy Stafford via CnC-List wrote:


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