Chuck; my path down the "wheel envy road ended with the purchase of a 40 " 
Lewmar folding wheel; I have had it on three different boats and I love it; I 
will never go back to a conventional wheel...; I had to take it to a local 
machine shop to get it to fit the steering hub; (the first boat was a C&C 29, 
which had the Cinkel helm, and the others had Edson..); there were able to make 
perfect fact, they had never been asked to work on something like this 
and became as enthusiastic about it as I was!  good luck!


1985 C&C 37 CB; Ohio River, Mile 596;

Richard N. Bush 
2950 Breckenridge Lane, Suite Nine
Louisville, Kentucky 40220-1462 



-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Saur via CnC-List <>
To: cnc-list <>
Cc: Chuck Saur <>
Sent: Mon, Jan 4, 2016 3:36 pm
Subject: Stus-List Wheel replacement C&C35 mk3

Hello listers after a year's sabbatical from this list.  My 35-3 has an Edson 
36" six-spoke flat wheel with 1" straight hub. (maybe all are same)

Here's a confession: I have suffered from wheel envy, and recently purchased an 
old 44" Yacht Specialties wheel on ebay.   It has similar, but not quite, same 
hub and keyway dimensions. The hole in the hub of the YS is a tiny fraction 
smaller than Edson shaft. It will part-way fit, but the diameter of the hub 
hole needs a shave.  

Aside from just looking cool-er, (to me) I removed my 'camel hump' and sit to 
the side of the helm and this refit will make steering really nice.  

Anyone out there who might have switched wheels with any experience and/or 
advice on who, where or how to get this a proper fit?  (I have an idea and am 
searching for machine shops but wonder if there are some who have done this) 

Also...I might have a 36" Edson for sale if this works...

Morning Sky C&C 35-3
Hessel, MI 



Chuck Saur



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