
I had a Questus back stay pole and dampened mount on a C&C 36 for 7 years.  
Worked great and would have used a Questus pole again if they had a model that 
fit over Calypso's Sailtec backstay adjustor.

On Calypso we have a fixed aluminum pole with an early model of the Scanstrut 
radar platform that is not self-leveling but we do have the ability to tilt the 
platform manually.  It also has performed well for 14 years.  It is rare that 
we need to tilt the radar platform.  For us the tilt function was added for 
long offshore tacks not so much for inland waters.

I do recommend you have plenty of dampening in place for a self-leveling 
platform.  A friend had his poorly dampened platform mounted radar fail at sea 
when the constant motion caused many conductors in the radar cable to fail.  
The repeated bending stress lead to the copper strands fracturing.  It was 
fixed underway in time to make a difficult landfall.

Martin DeYoung
1971 C&C 43

[Description: Description: cid:D1BF9853-22F7-47FB-86F2-4115CE0BAF2F]

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Pete 
Shelquist via CnC-List
Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2015 8:03 AM
Cc: Pete Shelquist
Subject: Stus-List Self leveling Radar mount

I'm reviewing a couple different types of self-leveling radar mounts for a 
pole.  Seaview and Scanstrut are two that I'm finding.  Anyone have experience 
with either, or yet another brand?



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