I get growth in the slot where the little wheel spins. Have done a lot of 
'fixes' to make it work, and it is still spotty. I even bought a new wheel... 
no help. (Nexus)

Weedy mid-Chesapeake
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Monty Schumpert via CnC-List 
  To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
  Cc: Monty Schumpert 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 10:45 AM
  Subject: Re: Stus-List knotmeter malfunction


  I had the same symptoms with my knotmeter last week. The boat had been unused 
for several weeks with the bung installed. I installed the transducer(s) before 
leaving the dock and the knotmeter read zero until we had covered about 5 miles 
when it started reading correctly. I assumed there was a build-up of growth in 
front of the paddlewheel, and it performed fine for the rest of the trip.


  1991 C&C 34+

  Annapolos, MD

  On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Della Barba, Joe via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

    Coquina just got hauled this morning. Now I can go over and see why my 
knotmeter reads 0 underway, but if I pull the impellor out and spin it the 
readings are good. Any ideas why the paddlewheel spins freely in my hand but 
not in the water???

    BTW – the diver that cleaned my bottom said now I had 3 different colors of 
paint showing maybe it was time for more LOL. The last time I painted I did one 
blue layer and one red layer over black original. It seems to have ablated 
itself right off the boat.

    Joe Della Barba


    C&C 35 MK I


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