

I'm looking forward to the new instruments.  My B&G stuff from the 80's is
well overdue for replacement.  I will be splashing in mid April.  Hope you
can expedite getting them here.  J


Trying to decide how many other displays I will need and where to put them.
I like a dedicated depth display, especially in the thin water around here. 




Jake Brodersen

"Midnight Mistress"

C&C 35 Mk-III

Hampton VA




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Frederick
G Street via CnC-List
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 3:07 PM
To: Chuck Borge;
Subject: Re: Stus-List New instruments?


Chuck - I recently had this discussion off-list with Jake Broderson; my take
was that the i50/i60 displays will only ever do one thing.  The wind display
will only ever display wind.  For not much more, you could get into the i70
system; it only comes with one display to start, but that display can show
any data on the bus.  So you can set it up in tri-data mode and display
wind, speed and depth on the one display (like this):



Want to add another display?  Change the data shown on the first display,
and add other data on the new one.  It's a very nice, customizable system.


Raymarine has a rebate on until the end of April; you can get $50 back on
any instrument purchase.  If you want special C&C lister pricing, contact me
off-list.  And there are others on the list for whom I've provided gear,
including the i70 System - ask around for their experience.

Fred Street -- Minneapolis
S/V Oceanis (1979 C&C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI   :^( 


On Mar 26, 2015, at 12:59 PM, Chuck Borge via CnC-List
<> wrote:

Hi Edd, Joel,


Thanks for the info.  It occurred to me that I meant the i50/i60 bundle
(wired).  I was waffling about the wireless, but since I tend to leave the
dodger up, I was concerned about there being enough sunlight to keep the
solar up.

Also, at some point I'll probably get back to racing, and I like the analog
reading on the i60 better.



So let's start over... remarks about the i50/i60 bundle, please?



Chuck B

C&C 34 Elusive

Somerset, MA



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