You can help worn clutches live longer if you make it a habit to put the tail 
around the winch and take up tension before releasing the clutch lever, 
especially on the main and jib halyards which are loaded up. A friend of mine 
has undersized clutches and insists this procedure be followed all the time. 
It's worked for him for 25 years. I prefer my bigger clutches. 

BTW, ours are 1989, Spinlock XTS and rated for line size 5/16 to 9/16". I think 
the Lewmar D2 Rope Clutch is a better product, a little less money, easier on 
the lines, and more holding power. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Brent Driedger via CnC-List" <> 
To: "Bradley Lumgair" <>, 
Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2015 12:21:44 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List halyard stoppers 

I believe most of the stoppers installed in that vintage were Easy Locks. They 
are OK. Years of sunshine have likely weakened the levers. That mixed with the 
irritating operational requirement of never stopping a static line (I has to be 
moving through the stopper as its closing or it jams so hard you sometimes 
break the aging levers while trying to open it) I would seriously recommend 
changing out to newer technology. 
It's been on my to do list for 5 years. 3 broken levers later i'm running out 
of spares so I better do this soon. 

Brent Driedger 
Lake Winnipeg. 

Sent from my iPhone 

> On Mar 21, 2015, at 8:42 PM, Bradley Lumgair via CnC-List 
> <> wrote: 
> Replacing the original 7/16 halyards on our 1985 C&C 33 MKII. Got a GOOD 
> price on some 3/8 Warpspeed from W.M. Does anyone know what brand/size of 
> halyard clutches C&C used in '85? There is a set of double Schaefer clutches 
> mounted outboard of the original triples, either side of the companionway, 
> pictures I have aren't good enough to identify them and the boat is 3 hrs 
> from here. 
> Thanks 
> Brad 
> Sarnia ON 
> 1985 C&C 33 "Pulse" 
> Sent, miraculously through cyberspace, 
> from my iPad! 
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