Some people thicken the line where it passes through the clutch in one of two 
ways. If the core is hollow, it's easy to pull a short length of small diameter 
line into it. If the core is solid, it's a little harder to can add a cover. 
The jib halyard clutch area is small if all of your sails are full hoist, and 
three to six feet should be enough. You need to allow for reefing the main so a 
longer line or cover is required on the main halyard, but that can be measured 
on the boat by hoisting the sail and marking the line. 

The main halyard and jib halyard present the highest loads and should be routed 
the most direct route possible to the right side of the winch drum, while other 
lines like the pole lift, cunningham, vang, spin halyards, etc, can take the 
bendier paths. This little detail helps reduce friction and allows me to hand 
hoist my main. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Josh Muckley via CnC-List" <> 
To: "C&C List" <>, "Bradley Lumgair" <> 
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2015 9:48:01 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List halyard stoppers 

My 1989 37+ has lewmar triples. The design hasn't changed much so find a 
picture on google and see if you can remember well enough what yours look like. 
Mine have no trouble with 5/16ths up to 1/2 inch. 

Josh Muckley 
S/V Sea Hawk 
Solomons, MD 
On Mar 21, 2015 9:42 PM, "Bradley Lumgair via CnC-List" < 
> wrote: 

Replacing the original 7/16 halyards on our 1985 C&C 33 MKII. Got a GOOD price 
on some 3/8 Warpspeed from W.M. Does anyone know what brand/size of halyard 
clutches C&C used in '85? There is a set of double Schaefer clutches mounted 
outboard of the original triples, either side of the companionway, pictures I 
have aren't good enough to identify them and the boat is 3 hrs from here. 
Sarnia ON 
1985 C&C 33 "Pulse" 

Sent, miraculously through cyberspace, 
from my iPad! 


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