
maybe with Lithium (Li-ion), batteries; I don’t think with NiCd.

There are a few write-ups on the use of Li-ion batteries for sailing 
applications. If I recall correctly, you get almost double density (Ah/weight) 
and you can easily reach 80 % of discharge (without any damage); this means 
that you need almost 1/4 of the weight and 1/2 of capacity. The price is 
somewhat high still, but if you spend a lot of time without being able to 
recharge, they might offer the right value. The flip side to that is that you 
better have a really good charge controller.


From: Michael Brown via CnC-List 
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 2:54 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Batteries -- Flooded, Sealed or AGM?

I had hoped that with the research and work being done on the larger
NiCD packs in hybrid cars that marine NiCD wet cells would become more

Michael Brown
C&C 30-1


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