I followed a similar thread on this list a number of years ago. I built a 
climbing harness from rock climbing equipment. It worked pretty good going up, 
but was a bit of a pain coming down. If someone wants it, it is available for 
the shipping - it  is two carabineers and some strapping. I have decided to let 
the boat yard with its crane and the little car the mechanic rides in do my 
mast top work from now on - I just don't need to work that hard (and the boat 
partner - ex admiral pays her half).

Gary (Maryland)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: David Knecht via CnC-List 
  To: Josh Muckley ; CnC CnC discussion list 
  Cc: Travis 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 8:54 PM
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Mast Self-Climbers?

  Mack Sails has one I am thinking of getting.  It is shown in the installation 
video for their Mackpack (which I am getting). They don’t advertise them, but I 
was told they do make them up and sell them for people.   You can see it in use 
about 4.5 minutes in to the video.  I am sure it would take me a lot longer to 
go up, but it looks easy to use.  Still don’t know the cost (are you listening, 
Travis?) Dave


  On Oct 16, 2014, at 8:39 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

    Here's a couple of links to spring off of for ascender climbing.  The foot 
ascenders look promissing.

    A waste strap/line can also be passed around the mast and both ends 
attached to the harness (one end on a carabiner for fast passing of 
obstructions).  This is added safety to prevent accidentally twisting upside 
down and you slipping out of the harness or chair.  This is one reason I prefer 
a harness.






    On Oct 16, 2014 7:58 PM, "Edd Schillay via CnC-List" 
<cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:


      Now that the Enterprise is up for the winter, I’m starting my list of 
projects -- One of which is some mast work. 

      Has anyone on the list ever rigged their own mast self-climber, and, if 
so, what did you use. 

      There’s an article about it in the latest issue of Practical Sailor, so 
it’s on my mind.

      And no, the transporter can’t materialize me at the top of the mast. 

      All the best,


      Edd M. Schillay
      Starship Enterprise
      C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
      City Island, NY 
      Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log

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