Sorry, I used the wrong terminology - 'ascenders'  - and I got mine from REI.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Neil Gallagher via CnC-List 
  Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 11:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Stus-List Mast Self-Climbers?

  I just made such an arrangement similar to what Josh described.  Bought a 
left and right hand ascender, and put a toe loop on each.  Used one halyard to 
pull up a line with a knot in the middle to the top of the mast, and tied off 
the lower end of each part, tightly, at the deck.  Then put one ascender/toe 
loop on each part of the line.  Took a second halyard to a bosun's chair, with 
a short loop to a climbing harness as a safety.  Was then easy to use both 
hands and feet to pull up on the ascenders/foot loops, while my wife took the 
slack up on the chair halyard using a winch.  Then I could sit back on the 
chair while I slid the ascenders/toe loops higher on the two parts, and repeat. 
 The nice part was that coming down, I took the ascenders off and she just 
payed out the chair on the winch, and the really nice part was that I could get 
my head above the top of mast by standing on the toe loops.

  One worthwhile addition was to put a small carabiner in each toe loop around 
the side lines, keeps the toe loops under the ascenders.

  I'm going to try this weekend to climb without the chair, it would mean 
alternately lifting one side at a time, and will still want the second line a a 
safety/belay to the harness.

  The price was about $70 each for the ascenders (new at REI), $60 for the 
harness and about $30 for the toe loops.

  Neil Gallagher
  Weatherly, 35-1
  Glen Cove, NY

  On 10/16/2014 8:17 PM, Josh Muckley via CnC-List wrote:

    The ATN top climmer has worked pretty well for me but I would not buy one.  
The TC is simply two Gibbs ascenders attached custom bosun's chair and 60' or 
70' of 1/2" rope.

    They arrangement of the ascenders is such that the chair is attached to the 
top on and a foot strap is attached to the bottom one.  Standing up on the foot 
straps allows you to raise the upper ascender which brings the chair tight to 
your butt.  Sit down in the chair and now you can bend your knees to raise the 
lower ascender.  You inchworm your way up the rope.  The rope that was tied to 
the mast collar on deck and winched taught to the top of the mast.  One could 
safely use a halyard pull the rope tight.  Tight is key.  No stretch rope is 
also key.

    I would look to MAKE a similar system but using rock climbing ascenders 
(gibbs or otherwise).  I would also use a rock climbing harness as a primary 
and maybe take a comfortable bosun's chair of choice to the top IF I was going 
to be there for more than 10 min.  The ascenders cost $30-50.  Rope $50-70.  
Harness $50-100.  Gear can be found at or instore.

    Josh Muckley
    S/V Sea Hawk
    1989 C&C 37+
    Solomons, MD

    On Oct 16, 2014 7:58 PM, "Edd Schillay via CnC-List" 
<> wrote:


      Now that the Enterprise is up for the winter, I'm starting my list of 
projects -- One of which is some mast work. 

      Has anyone on the list ever rigged their own mast self-climber, and, if 
so, what did you use. 

      There's an article about it in the latest issue of Practical Sailor, so 
it's on my mind.

      And no, the transporter can't materialize me at the top of the mast. 

      All the best,


      Edd M. Schillay
      Starship Enterprise
      C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
      City Island, NY 
      Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log

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