Could be the carburetor. I've had this issue too many times. I chose to take 
off the carb, break it down completely and clean it out. Moyer Marine's A4 
guide is very useful. 

s/v Rekofa The Blue Whale
1979 C&C 34
Baltimore, MD

Dr. Brian C. Morrison

> On Aug 10, 2014, at 9:48 AM, "Burt Stratton via CnC-List" 
> <> wrote:
> Good question. I suppose it is possible but seems unlikely. The fuel pump 
> ought to be able to overcome that. Can you drain the trap? I would drain or 
> remove the trap and try it.  Try a new P-trap designed for the purpose. Might 
> want to check the operation of your fuel pump.
> I just put my boat in the water for the first time and had a similar issue. 5 
> minutes and then stall. Starts back up after a short wait but won’t run for 
> longer than about five minutes. Sort of ran if fully choked. Turned out to be 
> a broken electrical feed to my electric fuel pump. Hard to believe how long 
> it ran without a fuel pump! I guess gravity and vacuum will do part of the 
> job, even through two filters.
> Skip
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Danny 
> Haughey via CnC-List
> Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 5:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List Ok more atomic 4 issues...dammit!
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Danny Haughey <> 
> Date: 08/09/2014 5:32 PM (GMT-05:00) 
> To:, 
> Subject: Ok more atomic 4 issues...dammit! 
> Okay so no wind today...
> I pulled up to the gas dock, topped off water and fuel, loaded up and away we 
> went.  Motor was running great!  Fired up left dock, motored away.  After 
> about an hour she seemed to be running out of gas.  Stutter ed and stalled.  
> Five minutes later, after seeing sail, she started right back up.  We sail 
> back to our home mooring.  I pull the filter on the sepertator, looked clean 
> as the day I put it in.  Then I thought, maybe the vent is plugged...  well, 
> it wasn't plugged but it is routed with a trap and that trap was filled with 
> fuel.  Would this have been enough to starve the engine?
> Danny
> From my Android phone
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