Check your fuel lines ... The inner part may be collapsing ... Had this on a 
friends boat. Would run for a while, shut down .. After a while run again ... 
Tough to diagnose ... New lines fixed it

Paul. :)

On Aug 10, 2014, at 9:48 AM, "Burt Stratton via CnC-List" 
<<>> wrote:

Good question. I suppose it is possible but seems unlikely. The fuel pump ought 
to be able to overcome that. Can you drain the trap? I would drain or remove 
the trap and try it.  Try a new P-trap designed for the purpose. Might want to 
check the operation of your fuel pump.

I just put my boat in the water for the first time and had a similar issue. 5 
minutes and then stall. Starts back up after a short wait but won't run for 
longer than about five minutes. Sort of ran if fully choked. Turned out to be a 
broken electrical feed to my electric fuel pump. Hard to believe how long it 
ran without a fuel pump! I guess gravity and vacuum will do part of the job, 
even through two filters.


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Danny 
Haughey via CnC-List
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2014 5:38 PM
Subject: Stus-List Ok more atomic 4 issues...dammit!

-------- Original message --------
From: Danny Haughey <<>>
Date: 08/09/2014 5:32 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Ok more atomic 4 issues...dammit!

Okay so no wind today...

I pulled up to the gas dock, topped off water and fuel, loaded up and away we 
went.  Motor was running great!  Fired up left dock, motored away.  After about 
an hour she seemed to be running out of gas.  Stutter ed and stalled.  Five 
minutes later, after seeing sail, she started right back up.  We sail back to 
our home mooring.  I pull the filter on the sepertator, looked clean as the day 
I put it in.  Then I thought, maybe the vent is plugged...  well, it wasn't 
plugged but it is routed with a trap and that trap was filled with fuel.  Would 
this have been enough to starve the engine?


>From my Android phone
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