I replaced my old SS muffler with a Vernalift too. It has 2” inlets and outlets. I used a reducer at the transom to connect to the existing 1 ½” outlet. It works great and actually sounds pretty good too. Jake Jake Brodersen “Midnight Mistress” C&C 35 Mk-III Hampton Va cid:D1BF9853-22F7-47FB-86F2-4115CE0BAF2F From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2014 4:28 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List 3GM30F exhaust specs... Jim, John, etc; Thanks for the replies.. I think I'm going to swap out my old "vernalift" wet muffler to a 2" model, and then add a 2 to 1.5 reducer on the exhaust hose to the thru-hull. I'll get the model numbers and share. Any of the 34' owners who have pics of their 3GM30 mounted I would love to see them. I am in the process of building the mock engine to figure out fit on existing bed rails, etc; W Sean Conner Ladyhawke - US50931
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