I replaced three hatch lenses last year and also re-bedded the frames. I used 
butyl tape exclusively for the frame re-bedding and for the lenses, I used 
butyl tape under the lenses and filled the gap with Dow Corning 795. So far, no 
leaks anywhere. Getting the frames clean can be a chore depending on what kind 
of sealant was used before -- if it's silicone, there's a lot of scraping 

1991 C&C 34+
Annapolis, MD

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 14, 2014, at 8:37 AM, blhick...@yahoo.com wrote:
> Hi Listers, 
>  Ok so I'm replacing the cast acrylic lens in the forward hatch. Is Sikaflex 
> 295UV the way to go to rebed the lens?  I got new hatch and handle gaskets 
> from Atkins and Hoyle and sprang for "their" caulk stuff for the big hatch 
> gasket. I see from the Jamestown Dist. website that if using the Sikaflex 
> 295, Sikaflex recommends using their primer at 4x the cost of a tube of 
> Sikaflex. Can I use alcohol or acetone or anything else that doesn't cost $83 
> for one small job to wipe the hatch clean?  Are "spacers" required when I'm 
> placing the new acrylic lens back in?  Thanks for any help. (I looked for 
> help on another site but not too helpful, suggested silicone or Dow Corning 
> 795. ). Thx,
> Barbara Hickson Fellers
> "Flight Risk"
> '76 C&C 33
> Charleston, SC
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