Vancouver is beautiful. I have friends out there and i've gone out on three
trips. I rode my motorcycle out there the second time so I could get a
close up view of the mountains along the way, best thing I ever did. I
would move there in a heartbeat if I could find work. I'de totally live on
a boat, the housing is ridiculous.
I'm jealous of all you guys that actually get to see marine life when you
take the boat out. Seals? Dolphins? Otters? Oh really?!? Orcas for
chrissakes. Someone please tell me they've been out in the channel when the
superpod came through? A friend's mom was out in a kayak when they came
through once! I get excited when I'm the first one at the club in the
morning and I get to free the trapped raccoon out of our club's garbage
bin. They go in there and get stuck, like clockwork. We keep a 2x4 on hand
so that we can lower it in and they can use it like a ramp. "Wildlife!"

Wow, 1.36 million.

Suhana, C&C 32

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 8:44 PM, bobmor99 . <> wrote:

> Wow, 100 years of rent to buy the slip across the way.
> I'll stay happy with my $225/month slip fee. I once approached my dock
> owner about selling me my slip. He said that would be difficult because he
> was leasing the bottom from the state. I took that as a no. I was willing
> to pay $10K.
> There were some slip sales starting in the area around that time in the
> mid -00's.
> Bob M
> Ox 33-1
> Jax, FL
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 8:09 PM, Jim Brown <> wrote:
>> Well, I'm across the water on the poor man's side of False Creek (5-1/2
>> boat bucks per year for a C&C 34).
>> Almost the same amenities and on the occasion when I stay overnight on
>> the boat, coming up on deck on an early summer morning, I think we have a
>> much better view of the city and mountains.
>> Getting a fifty-footer into the marina would be a problem, though.
>> Jim Brown
>> Flash Over
>> C&C 34 (81)
>> Vancouver, BC
>> *From:* CnC-List [] *On Behalf Of *Jim
>> Watts
>> *Sent:* April-04-14 4:49 PM
>> *To:* 1 CnC List
>> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Vancouver slip for sale.
>> If that's a liveaboard slip it would be the cheapest housing in the
>> neighbourhood.
>> Jim Watts
>> Paradigm Shift
>> C&C 35 Mk III
>> Victoria, BC
>> On 4 April 2014 16:28, <> wrote:
>> And I thought that their housing prices were ridiculous!
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